function mswMove(boxID, btn_left, btn_right, btnBox, Car, direction, way, moveLengh, speed, Interval, number) { var _ID = $("#" + boxID + ""); var _btn_left = $("#" + btn_left + ""); var _btn_right = $("#" + btn_right + ""); var _btnBox = $("#" + btnBox + ""); var jsq = 0/*底部按钮切换计数器*/ var timer; /*轮播时间设置*/ var cj; /*底部按钮数值差值*/ var no_way = 0; var no_wayGet = 0; var ID_liLen, ID_liheight, cbtmBtn; ID_liLen = _ID.find("li").length; ID_liheight = _ID.find("li").innerHeight(); /*判断滚动方向:上下左右*/ if (direction == "left" || direction == "right") { _ID.find("ul").width(ID_liLen * moveLengh); } else if (direction == "top" || direction == "bottom") { _ID.find("ul").height(ID_liLen * moveLengh); _btnBox.hide() } _btnBox.empty(); for (i = 0; i < ID_liLen; i++) { _btnBox.append(""); }; _btnBox.find("span").eq(0).addClass("cur"); if (way == false) { _btn_left.hide(); _btn_right.hide(); _btnBox.hide(); } /*自动轮播*/ function Carousel() { if (way == false) { /*非间断式滚动*/ no_way++; if (direction == "left") { _ID.find("ul").css({ "left": -no_way } ); no_wayGet = parseInt(_ID.find("ul").css("left")); /*获取ul的left值*/ if (no_wayGet == -moveLengh) { no_way = 0 _ID.find("li:first").insertAfter(_ID.find("li:last")); _ID.find("ul").css({ "left": 0 } ); } } /*向左滚动*/ if (direction == "right") { no_wayGet = parseInt(_ID.find("ul").css("left")); /*获取ul的right值*/ if (no_wayGet == 0) { no_way = -moveLengh _ID.find("li:last").insertBefore(_ID.find("li:first")); _ID.find("ul").css({ "left": 0 } ); } _ID.find("ul").css({ "left": no_way } ); } /*向右滚动*/ if (direction == "top") { _ID.find("ul").css({ "top": -no_way } ); no_wayGet = parseInt(_ID.find("ul").css("top")); /*获取ul的left值*/ if (no_wayGet == -moveLengh) { no_way = 0 _ID.find("li:first").insertAfter(_ID.find("li:last")); _ID.find("ul").css({ "top": 0 } ); } } /*向上滚动*/ if (direction == "bottom") { no_wayGet = parseInt(_ID.find("ul").css("top")); /*获取ul的right值*/ if (no_wayGet == 0) { no_way = -moveLengh _ID.find("li:last").insertBefore(_ID.find("li:first")); _ID.find("ul").css({ "top": 0 } ); } _ID.find("ul").css({ "top": no_way } ); 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_btnBox.hide(); } } else { clearInterval(timer); } } ).click(function () { if (direction == "left" || direction == "right") { _ID.find("ul").animate({ left: -moveLengh } , speed, function () { _ID.find("li:first").insertAfter(_ID.find("li:last")); _ID.find("ul").css({ "left": 0 } ); } ); } if (direction == "top" || direction == "bottom") { _ID.find("ul").animate({ top: -moveLengh } , speed, function () { _ID.find("li:first").insertAfter(_ID.find("li:last")); _ID.find("ul").css({ "top": 0 } ); } ); } if (jsq < ID_liLen - 1) { jsq++; _btnBox.find("span").eq(jsq).addClass("cur").siblings().removeClass("cur"); } else { jsq = 0; _btnBox.find("span").eq(jsq).addClass("cur").siblings().removeClass("cur"); }; } ); /*click左边按钮*/ _btn_left.hover(function () { clearInterval(timer); } , function () { if (Car == true) { if (ID_liLen > number) { timer = setInterval(Carousel, Interval); } else { clearInterval(timer); _btn_left.hide(); _btn_right.hide(); _btnBox.hide(); } } else { clearInterval(timer); 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